Batman saves his movie

The Lego Batman Movie  ★★½

I’M REALLY struggling with The Lego Batman Movie. Do I approach it with a child’s eyes or with my 54 year-old jaded vision.

OK, struggle over…I’m going to approach it with mine and, to be perfectly honest, I was underwhelmed.

Before the film started there was a trailer for something called The Lego Ninjago Movie and that just looks like a whole pile of noise and flying lego.

Like almost everyone else on the planet, I thoroughly enjoyed The Lego Movie a few years ago, particularly the subversive, breakneck gags and final reveal.

Batman was one of the best cameo characters in that film and, as the star of this one, he is head and shoulders the best thing in it. Will Arnett’s voice work is terrific and he has all, and I mean all, the best jokes.

The rest of the voice cast is disappointing. There are many big names listed in the final credits, but not one of them makes anything like the impact Arnett does.

The film starts well with Batman doing a commentary over the opening titles, but then it spends what feels like an interminable time on a full-on battle that might delight youngsters with its colour and sound but doesn’t amount to anything in terms of characterisation or creating any future narrative.

There are some clever things about the film for sure. The main conceits have the new Commissioner of Police questioning Batman’s abilities because the villains rarely spend any time locked up and the Joker’s wish to be seen by Batman as his greatest nemesis.

My favourite parts of the film were the quieter moments – which are few – particularly with Batman at home heating up his lobster thermidore before settling down in his home theatre all alone to watch a rom-com.

Unfortunately, too often the film just descends into a hectic, extended action sequence in which you struggle to pick up the constant stream of wisecracks.

Perhaps I might like it more on a second look. Better still, just reading the script on paper might be even better.

I think the joke and the franchise may have run out of steam after two movies.