Girls Trip ★½
THERE was a fair bit of laughter during our session of the new American comedy Girls Trip.
Unfortunately, hardly any was contributed by me.
I’m definitely in the minority on this one which has generally received good reviews. For the record I’m a white male in his 50s…so not the key demographic.
I guess I just didn’t get it. That happens with some films. But here all the main jokes and key plot points are telegraphed to the audience way in advance which diminishes their impact.
For example, if you have a character about to traverse via flying fox above a crowded street you don’t have her repeatedly saying beforehand “No, no, I desperately need to pee.” Hello…it defeats the purpose.
Much of the character development is nonsensical, particularly a bizarre scene involving a prayer session.
I could go on, but what’s the point. It’s a talented cast and most do their best with the tired, cliched material.
The one highlight is probably the moment when the girls end up on a “trip” apparently caused by an unusually strong Absinthe in their drinks.
At least I think that’s what it was. It’s hard to tell because most of the lines are screeched.
Not for me.