Boil this bunny

Bunny the Killer Thing  ★½

RIGHT now I’m struggling to think of what to write about Bunny the Killer Thing.

If the urge hits you to watch a horror film made in Finland, make sure it’s Rare Exports from 2010 as opposed to this 2015 slasher/comedy.

It’s the first film written and directed by Joonas Makkonen who has previously made a bunch of short films over a 13-year period.

Unfortunately there is little in the story or technique to suggest Hollywood will be calling soon.

According to iMDB, the budget was one million Euros so I’d suggest there are plenty of people who have made better first features for less.

The first 10 minutes or so are promising.

A man and a woman arrive at what we assume is their home to find the front door unlocked and a masked intruder pointing a shotgun at them.

They turn to leave but the man is tasered by another masked man who has come up behind them outside. The woman falls to the floor and the other masked man blows her head off with a shotgun.

In the next scene, a man wakes up in a basement laboratory chained to an operating table. A caged rabbit is also in the room. The man is injected with a syringe.

He starts to convulse, develops tremendous strength, breaks free and murders his captors before running off naked into the snow.

So far, so good…right?

But after the opening credits the film gets progressively and quickly worse with a group of friends at a secluded cabin being stalked, raped and murdered by the man after he transforms into a half-human, half rabbit creature with a big penis flapping around.

It’s meant to be funny but an hour in I was bored stiff (pardon the pun) and wondering whether Makkonen had a sex-obsessed adolescent son who was actually responsible for the script…or what there is of one.

Give this one as wide a berth as possible.