Amore’s last night one to remember

Last Night of Amore ★★★½

THERE are two main reasons to watch Italian crime thriller Last Night of Amore.

Firstly, the lead role is played by the always interesting Pierfrancesco Favino and, secondly, it’s the third film from actor turned writer/director Andrea Di Stefano.

Favino, the star of many a crime thriller, plays a decorated, honest and dependable career police officer on his last day before retirement.

Against his better judgement, Amore agrees to help out a colleague, who is also a relative, by accompanying him on a job moonlighting as security.

Amore keeps being told it’s a simple, low-risk task that will help out a relative who owes money to some shady people.

Of course, the job ends up being far from simple and Amore finds himself in a position where he is putting his reputation, retirement savings and life on the line.

The film takes its time setting up the story and characters, perhaps a little too slowly for some viewers.

But the second hour is very strong, building tension throughout and leading to an inevitably bleak climax.

Watched on Apple TV