A late night in Hell

Late Night with the Devil  ★★★

THERE’S a lot of buzz around Colin and Cameron Cairnes’ horror film Late Night with the Devil

Written, directed and edited by the pair, it’s part found footage and part faux documentary approach has won plenty of attention on the international festival circuit.

David Dastmalchian is perfectly cast in the lead role of veteran late-night talk show host Jack Delroy.

In the prologue we learn that, after five successful years on television, Jack’s personal life was thrown into turmoil when his wife died of cancer. On Halloween night in 1977 Jack’s show took a wild swig at a ratings bonanza by holding a special episode examining aspects of the supernatural.

The prologue sets the rest of the film up by stating it is a combination of the live broadcast and found behind-the-scenes footage that may help explain the devastating events that occurred when an allegedly possessed girl was interviewed.

It is a very good premise depicted in a constantly intriguing manner, but it isn’t as new or innovative as some people think.

While the suspense is palpable for the second half of the film, the conclusion left me a little non-plussed.

Perhaps I need to give it another try.

Watched at the cinema.

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