Improvement with One More Shot

One More Shot  ★★★

A WHILE ago I reviewed a 2021 British action film called One Shot.

Its shot at a claim to fame is depicting the entire story filmed as one continuous shot.

I’m not sure whether there are any cuts, but it succeeds quite well in that regard, even though the story is pretty standard.

It must have made some money because there is now a sequel, One More Shot, which takes the same approach but improves it.

Scott Adkins is back in the lead role of US Navy SEAL Jake Harris. Adkins can act if required, but he is just called on here to be the usual stoic hero.

The film takes up a story almost immediately from the previous film with Jake and his team arriving back in the US.

Events and action then play out in and around a labyrinthian international airport where corrupt  mercenaries are trying to find a terrorist before he reveals details of a bombing plot.

It’s a touch too long, but the one shot approach and a couple of decent twists lift the film above the average actioner.

Watched on Apple TV.

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