Nina’s happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day ★★★½

FORGET about recent female action heroes played by the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Charlize Theron or Angelina Jolie.

Ex-NATO Special Operations agent Nina, played by Polish actress Agnieszka Grochowska, would have them all for breakfast.

In Mateusz Rakowicz’s Mother’s Day, Nina despatches adversaries with every manner of weapon, both purpose-built and makeshift, including guns, knives, a corkscrew, the cord from a taser gun, a can of beer and even a couple of carrots.

She momentarily stops to dig bullets out of herself and stitch things up before continuing cut a swathe through the gangsters who have kidnapped her son, led by a villain who wanders around naked and talks to his father’s severed head sitting in a jar on the mantlepiece at his home.

The best thing about Grochowska’s character is the authenticity – she acts her older years and doesn’t give a damn what anyone thinks.

The best thing about Rakowick’s film is the choice of colour palette which really allows the action to pop off the screen.

Chalk this one up as a top watch for action fans.