Raid on a train – Indian style

Kill ★★★½

FOLLOWING hard on the heels of Dev Patel’s Monkey Man comes the highly entertaining Indian action thriller Kill.

Both films are full of great hand-to-hand and armed fight sequences that will enthrall John Wick fans.

But where Patel’s film incorporates a mystic, supernatural aspect, in keeping with most Indian cinema, Kill director Nikhil Nagesh Bhat ignores that tradition to fully ground his story.

Having said that, there is of course plenty of need to suspend disbelief at some of the close-quarters brutality set completely on a train during one night.

Among those onboard are commandos Amrit and Viresh as well as Amrit’s girlfriend Tulika and her father who owns the railway company.

Tulika’s father is taking his daughter to New Delhi to meet her future husband under a forced, arranged marriage. Amrit has joined the train ride in an effort to stop this from occurring.

A 30-strong gang of knife-wielding bandits takes over the train, leading Amrit and Viresh to jump into action. Mayhem results on an ultra-violent level.

Love or hate this kind of film, you can’t deny the level of technical skill from all involved.

Watched at the cinema.