A more comedic Besson vehicle

Weekend in Taipei ★★½

EVEN though it’s co-written by Luc Besson, the action film Weekend in Taipei doesn’t fully follow the Frenchman’s familiar approach.

Recent films in which Besson is involved are generally straight action fare with dangerous men and even more dangerous, beautiful women.

But this George Huang directed film has more of a lighter touch and comedic edge.

There are still some good, high-energy action sequences, particularly an early fight in a restaurant kitchen.

But the more interesting aspect is character-driven with Luke Evans’ DEA agent reuniting with an old flame who is now married to a Taiwanese crime lord.

All the main performances are actually better than expected – Gwei Lun-mei as the former girlfriend, Wyatt Yang as her son and Sung Kang as the bad guy.

The Taipei locations also make a nice change.

Watched on Apple TV.