Tragic story of porn failures

Mope ★★★

MOPE is definitely not for everyone.

In fact this 2019 low-budget drama set in the world of pornographic film-making is probably not for most people.

But as the story progresses it becomes quite compelling thanks to the script being based on a true story and a pair of good lead performances.

Steve Driver and Tom Dong are obsessed with porn to the extent that they are trying to forge careers in the industry as on-screen performers.

But both lack the necessary attributes and are confined to being what is known in the industry as ‘mopes’, meaning men who just do the more menial, so to speak, tasks that don’t require much screen time.

In the case of Steve and Tom they end up in niche fetish films in which, for example, they are repeatedly kicked in the testicles.

Almost unbelievably, what they lack in talent both more than make up for in confidence.

Steve in particular is completely deluded in thinking he is going to be a major star, despite everyone who meets him, apart from Dong, intensely disliking him.

Eventually Steve’s problem  is revealed to be much deeper than over-confidence which leads to horrific impacts that made headlines in 2010.

Despite its salacious content and low budget look, the performances of Nathan Stewart-Jarrett as Steve and Kelly Sry as Tom are committed and lift the film to an emotional climax (pardon the pun).

Watched on Prime.