There’s trashy and then there’s this

365 Days: This Day ★½ 

There are trashy good films and there are just plain trashy ones.

Paul Verhoeven’s ridiculous Showgirls is a good example of the former.

365 Days: This Day is the epitome of the latter.

This Polish film is a sequel to 365 Days which attracted some interest a year or so ago when it was released on Netflix.

Both films take a very misogynist approach to the material but claim to actually be portraying female empowerment.

Please…this is just an overblown Euro soap with a bunch of mildly titillating, slow-motion sex scenes scattered throughout.

There’s a twist at the start of the third act that defies belief.

Nacho the hot gardener?

You’re better off throwing a competently-shot, full-length porno on.